NARUTO 438 Spoiler N°1 - Manga Spoiler Naruto - Naruto 438

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    Ecco qua finalmente il primo Spoiler per il capitolo 438 di Naruto, Manga ideato dal Mangaka Masashi Kishimoto sul magazine Shonen Jump di Sueisha.
    Lo Spoiler contiene un testo Spoiler e delle predizioni dei Fan.
    Ricordo che gli Spoiler non sono confermati e che quelli ufficiali usciranno entro mercoledì.
    In più oggi vi porto delle belle immagini colorate del capitolo 437 di Naruto.
    Cliccate su leggi il resto per leggerli.
    Articolo scritto dall'Anime e Manga Power Blog.

    Il Testo Spoiler Giapponese:

    SPOILER (click to view)

    面对现实 还是要打工,,,

    Predizioni dei Fan: [ Sono predizioni non Spoiler, soltanto supposizioni ! ]

    SPOILER (click to view)
    1. Kishi sure knows how to keep readers holding their breath!! A 6-Tail-Kyuubi!!!! Naruto must have been so outraged!! Killing Hinata in front of Naruto is something Naruto never expected thus became uncontrollable.

    2. YAMATO - where are you!!! KYUUBI is here!

    3. I dont understand why at the expense of Hinata? Does this mean Hinata is dead, or will she soon be? My guess - Hinata will die soon - she afterall told Naruto how she felt for him. - BUT AGAIN - this isn't the type of ending I would want for Hinata!

    Reasons why I think Hinata is dead:

    * * The purpose and intention of Pein is to show Naruto the pain of witnessing the death of someone important, "This is just like how my parents are killed by Konoha ninjas, right before my eyes". Pain wanted Naruto to experience the trauma and the pain.

    * * This is Pein we are talking about, the only character who is a perfect match for him is Sage Mode Naruto. All those who tried to confront Pein ended up dead (ex. Sage Pa Frog and Ma Frog). Hinata, just a mere Shinobi - confronting Pein is suicide. There is no way Hinata can survive Pein's attack.

    * * There is no reason why Pein will not kill Hinata. He is mean, he killed his own master, Jiraiya, why would he not kill someone like Hinata?

    Immagini colorate dal 437:

    Queste sono enormi, attenzione XD

    Ricordo, che potete prendere gli spoiler, basta che linkate la fonte specificando la paternità dell'autore linkando ad OGNI discussione a questa o alla home del Blog.
0 replies since 4/3/2009, 14:50   41 views